Who We Treat

Osteopaths are licensed in all 50 states and are similar to MD’s, but in addition to the traditional medical training we get some specialized instruction in how the body works from a structural and mechanical standpoint as well.  It is termed osteopathic manipulation and not all osteopathic physicians choose to do it in their practice.  For me, it is the foundation from which I care for my patients.  I hope these next few pages will answer any questions you might have.

I went to medical school in Pikeville, KY and graduated in 2004.  I did my internship and residency in Indianapolis, IN and finished in 2007.  I am board certified in a subset of Osteopathic Medicine that specializes in manual treatment of the body (using the hands) called Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine / Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine.  I have a certificate of proficiency in Cranial Osteopathy (focusing on the bones of the head and how they interconnect and influence the rest of the body) and Fellowship in the American Academy of Osteopathy.

I also have specialized training numerous other areas and utilize many of these approaches in treatment of my patients.  I can call on functional medicine, environmental medicine, clinical homeopathy, numerous injection techniques, some really specialized manual approaches as well as traditional medicine (I would consider it integrative medicine) to help my patients achieve their goal and feel better.

People come to see me for nearly every kind of ailment…everything from newborn wellness visits to low back pain, from infertility issues to seizure disorders.

If you have an issue or medical problem that you would like help with, if you are a current patient, or would like to become one, then please go to the New Patients page to read more about where we are located and what we can do for you.